Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Malo e lelei, Bula Vinaka, Talofa Lava,
Fakaalofa lahi atu, Hwan young hap ni da, Sindhi, Hello

I would like to say a big warm Welcome to all past pupils of Mangere Central School to our blog.

This blog has been setup especially for the 150th Jubilee and who knows you might even meet up with those who you had lost contact with many years ago by simply replying to this blog. After all those years what a glorious reunion this would be, an oppotunity not to be missed.

I will keep you updated on the Mangere Central Schools 150th Jubilee. At present we have our dates for the Jubilee which is the 18th-20th of September 2009.

Registration forms are going out next week so if you are interested I would love to hear from you.

The Voice


  1. I went to Mangere Central primary school in 1964 (by the airport turn of)
    my brother and sister went to the old Mangere central school up by the shops is this the one that you are talking about? i will shoot out a few e-mails to those i still have contact with.Would love some more information.

    Kind Regards

  2. Hi,
    thanks for your comments. Yes we are situated on the corner of Kirkbride Rd and George Bolt Drive. Our address is 254 Kirkbride Road, Mangere (the motorway intersection/turn off for the airport).
    We would love to see you and your family there if you are able to make it. Our reunion programme starts on the friday night and goes until sunday afternoon. To recieve detailed reunion programme/registration forms please feel free to email me on

    Great to hear from you
    The Voice
