Monday, September 28, 2009


Hi There,

A great big thank you to all that helped make our reunion a success. A great time was had by all and to see all the face's and hear all the stories was great.

For those whom had lent their photos to the school so that we may scan them and keep a copy many thanks. They will be posted back this week.

Feel free to send any old photos in that may not have been on the walls and we will scan them in and return them to you with your permission of course.

Kind Regards

The Voice

Monday, August 31, 2009

September is upon us

Hi everyone,

Yes indeed its almost that time, September is here and the Reunion Celebrations are near. Thank you to all that have registered, tickets to all the events you are attending are in the post this week.

For those flying into Auckland you will be able to pick up your tickets from the school in person. That way you will have no problems with mis-placing them as they will be ready and waiting for you.

Watch this space for any updates

Kind Regards

The Voice

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gum & Smokefree School

Hi Everyone,

Please note that if you are attending our Family Day event on the saturday or the Mix 'n Mingle night on friday, our school is SMOKEFREE.

Smokers we ask that you please leave the premises if you wish to smoke. Please make sure that you have your tags on you at all times so you can get back in.

As for the GUM, Parents please help keep our grounds free of Chewing Gum. We know that when children have gum they dont always put it in the bin. The best solution for this is Not to have any at all and YES THAT INCLUDES PARENTS aswell.

Kind regards

The Voice

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sunday Service


Our Venue for the Sunday Service will now be held at Pukaki Marae instead of Makaurau Marae. Pukaki Marae is only a few minutes drive from the school on Pukaki Rd, a map will be sent out with your tags if you have registered for that event.

Kind regards

The Voice

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Registrations Now Close 31st August 2009

Hi everyone,

We have now changed the closing date for Registration to the 31st of August because of all the late requests we have had.

However because of the late rush of registrants the Saturday Night dinner will soon be sold out. If would like to attend the dinner and you havent got your forms in yet along with your payment you are running out of time. We are limited to 150 dinner tickets and its First In First Serve.

Kind regards

The Voice

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Registrations Close 31st July 2009

Hi there,

As you may know Registrations for our 150th School Reunion will be closing on the 31st of July. If you are yet to register or would like your copy of the information pack please send an email to one of the following addresses: or .

Please note that Dinner tickets are selling fast so be sure to get your registration form in to book yourself a seat.

Kind Regards

The Voice

Wednesday, June 10, 2009



As of late we have only been taking payment via drop-in or cheque. Im glad to inform all who have requested for other forms of payment that this is now available.

If you are wanting to pay via internet banking, direct credit or automatic payment please email me and I will provide you with the account information you need to do so.

Sorry, No EFTPOS


The Voice

Senior Citizens


For those who have received their registration papers you may have noticed that there are Senior Citizen prices.

As stated in the Registration Form you must provide us with your Gold Card or Community Services Card to receive the Senior Citizens prices.

Simply photocopy your Card and send it in with your registration form and payment. If you are unable to photocopy your card still send in your registration form with payment. But please make a note on your form of this and bring your card with you to the event you wish to attend.

If you have no card or proof of age then you will be charged Full price for the events you wish to attend.


The Voice

Reunion Dinner


Just a reminder to all that the Reunion Dinner is for Adults ONLY. If you are wanting to attend the Dinner please make sure to get you registration papers in A.S.A.P.

Unfortunately there are only 150 tickets available for the dinner so it is First in First Serve. This is the perfect opportunity to catch up with old friends over a good meal, drinks and entertainment.


The Voice

Monday, May 25, 2009



The Programme for the weekend is now available for all. To receive your copy send me an email requesting a Programme and/or a Registration Form.

Registration closes on the 31st of July so be in quick if you are wanting to attend the Dinner on the Saturday Night.


The Voice

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hi there

If you are coming to the Reunion and are looking for accommodation fear not as there are plenty of Hotels, Motels and Lodges close by.

Mangere Central School is lucky enough to be surrounded by Hotels such as The Hotel Grand Chancellor Auckland Airport, Centra Auckland Airport and Jet Park to name a few.

You will find all the information for these accommodation venues online or from your local travel agent for those flying in.

Also check out for cheaper deals on accommodation.


The Voice

Monday, May 11, 2009

Get Involved


To those who wish to do more then just attend the reunion we welcome you to Get Involved. If you would like to share your ideas, add a little more fun to our Reunion feel free to email us at or


The Voice

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Register by Snail Mail

Hi there,

If you know of anyone who may wish to receive a Registration Form via Snail Mail (post) please let us know.

Simply email me: give us their name and address and we'll do the rest.
Or if you haven't received your form yet let me know.


The Voice

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sorry for the Delay


Sorry for the delay in sending out the registration forms but good news is here. They are definately going out this week and if for some reason you dont receive it please email me on and add yourself to our reunion mailing list.


The Voice

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Last Minute Changes


Just to inform those of you who have emailed me and are waiting on Registration Forms there is a slight delay. Due to last minute changes we are having to correct information that was orignally on the forms.

Dont worry its still going ahead we just want to make sure that everyone gets all the correct details.

I will email those who have requested Registration Forms ASAP. Once again sorry for the delay.


The Voice

Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's a Family Affair


Just an update on the 150th reunion that we have planned for the 18th-20th September.

Programme starts on the Friday night going through until Sunday afternoon. There will be something for everyone to attend. Whether you choose to attend all 3 days or just 1 it is totally up to you.

Just to be clear that Friday night is our Mix & Mingle Night so there are NO Children allowed for this night.

However Saturday & Sunday is a different story, we would love for you to bring your families to join in the fun filled day we have planned.

For more info WATCH THIS SPACE

The Voice

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Malo e lelei, Bula Vinaka, Talofa Lava,
Fakaalofa lahi atu, Hwan young hap ni da, Sindhi, Hello

I would like to say a big warm Welcome to all past pupils of Mangere Central School to our blog.

This blog has been setup especially for the 150th Jubilee and who knows you might even meet up with those who you had lost contact with many years ago by simply replying to this blog. After all those years what a glorious reunion this would be, an oppotunity not to be missed.

I will keep you updated on the Mangere Central Schools 150th Jubilee. At present we have our dates for the Jubilee which is the 18th-20th of September 2009.

Registration forms are going out next week so if you are interested I would love to hear from you.

The Voice