Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Registrations Now Close 31st August 2009

Hi everyone,

We have now changed the closing date for Registration to the 31st of August because of all the late requests we have had.

However because of the late rush of registrants the Saturday Night dinner will soon be sold out. If would like to attend the dinner and you havent got your forms in yet along with your payment you are running out of time. We are limited to 150 dinner tickets and its First In First Serve.

Kind regards

The Voice

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Registrations Close 31st July 2009

Hi there,

As you may know Registrations for our 150th School Reunion will be closing on the 31st of July. If you are yet to register or would like your copy of the information pack please send an email to one of the following addresses: or .

Please note that Dinner tickets are selling fast so be sure to get your registration form in to book yourself a seat.

Kind Regards

The Voice